Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Market Research: Movie Teaser Poster Results Analysis - Evaluation

From the results of the three resources I have used to gather my Market Research for the Movie Teaser Poster I have created, the target audience in terms of sex was almost an equal split. I shall in my next poster be aiming more to a female audience and to do this I shall be changing numerous elements of the image but keeping the photo of the masked man. I shall use this image in a different way but still aiming to keep it as a prominent feature within the poster.

The results have also identified the target audience are in the age ranges of 16-24 and 25-34. This was the target audience that I was aiming for and I feel that selecting the image I have enable me to attract that audience. In my next poster however, I shall be changing the colour significantly to try to identify an audience that is more female and slightly older than the age ranges who currently like my poster.

In terms of the story I shall be adding an element of blood and gore, not so that I produce a slasher or full on horror, but to include a very slight element into the movie. The participants of the questionnaire had all made choices on the storyline and the script will reflect the storylines of the options the participants could choose from. The focus group had also raised points on the colour and talked about the storyline and again by using this feedback I shall be adapting the story slightly to accommodate some expectations that were raised, but without going down the route they think the movie is about.

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